Hope House is funded mostly by private donations. If you feel led to this ministry, please consider finding out more about donating!
Free time to play in the gym, ride bikes, skateboard, play on the playground, etc.
Volleyball, basketball and football teams that compete with other schools/groups.
A traveling choir that visits area churches & nursing homes.
Horseback riding and equine care.
Trips to the local movie theaters, zoo, museums, parks for swimming, concerts, sporting events.
In warmer months there will be hiking, fishing, rafting, boating, overnight camping, and cookouts.
In the past groups have gone to amusement parks, Boondocks, Roaring Springs etc.
Volunteer and community groups occasionally visit Hope House and put on special events including two separate weeks of Vacation bible school.
Local Motorcycle clubs stop by every year to give motorcycle rides.
Older children have the opportunity to go on U.S. and or International Mission trips through Teen Missions.
Special holiday meals and traditional activities.
Hope House is funded mostly by private donations. If you feel led to this ministry, please consider finding out more about donating!